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About Us

Myanmar Professional Business and IT School (MPBI) was established in the year of 2018 and the school drive the professional and personal ambitions of its students by providing Business, IT and Educational Programs.

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver quality learning experiences beyond borders by preparing industry-ready professionals, well-equipped to make significant marks and contributions to their eco-system. We offer a wide range of professional certifications, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees in Business, Science, and Art. We provide an on-demand virtual e-learning platform and various research materials to aid the learning needs of our students. We offer flexible, affordable, and high-quality business education.

Our Vision

Realize a better future solution and live a fulfilling life.

Our Mottos

“Education works on your present and alters your future.”

“Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking, thinking provides knowledge, knowledge makes you be a professional."

Pwint Phyu Aung


MD Statement


I take pride in presenting Myanmar Professional Business and IT School as a sensible option for your professional and future career. As we move into a globalized and competitive global environment, children must be equipped with 21st Century Skills and exceptional intellectual and academic creativity, enabling them to reach the pinnacle of leadership while addressing complex global challenges. Of particular relevance to MPBI students is the globalization of markets, of production and distribution, of finance and the exponential increase in developments in new technology which underpins them all.

A defining feature of the 'MPBI Experience' is our focus on your personal development which lasts throughout the Programme. You will become skilled at team working, you will communicate more effectively and you will learn to be more persuasive and decisive. We will prepare you for business leadership by making you sensitive to cultural differences, ethical behavior and social values.
